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Sponsorship Opportunities

Tap into our Network

The Legal Value Network has a number of marketing opportunities to build a sponsor package that meets your business goals.
See the available opportunities below and contact us for pricing.

A D V E R T I S E M E N T   O P P S
Off the Clock Podcast   LVN Insider - digital newsletter
S P O N S O R S H I P   O P P S
LVN Webinars   Roundtable Discussions   Council of Luminaries Series  |
LPPM Annual Survey  |  Product Briefing   LVNx Conference Experience
Podcast Ad

15 or 30-second ad spot on LVN's Off the Clock Podcast.

What we need

  1. Script to be read by host.

  2. Podcast episodes drop monthly. Materials can be provided on a rolling basis and will be incorporated into the next episode.

Demographics: 700 listeners are tuning into Off the Clock.

Ad in Digital Newsletter, LVN Insider

Advertise in our monthly publication to the LVN Members and the greater legal professionals community.

What we need

  1. 270 x 343 px graphic delivered as a jpg or png file.


Additional Options

  1. Upgrade to a full width: 500 x 200 px banner.

  2. Inclusion of article highlighting product/service.

Webinar Sponsorship

Attribute your name to a webinar event valued by LVN members and the greater legal professionals community.

What we need

  1. Session introduction to be read by webinar moderator.

  2. Logo to be used in promotions.

  3. 30-second session spot about your product or service.


Additional Options

  1. Propose the topic and fellow panelists.

  2. Participate on the panel with esteemed industry thought leaders.


Demographics: LVN webinars reach an average of 90 participants, with 84 on the low end and 210 on the high.


Roundtable Sponsorship

Attribute your name to an LVN members-only virtual event pertaining to industry topics.

What we need

  1. Session introduction to be read by the moderator.

  2. Logo to be used in promotions.

  3. 30-second session spot about your product or service.


Additional Options

  1. Invite participants of all seniority levels.

  2. Invite participants at the Manager-level and above.

  3. Invite participants at the Director/Chief-level. This level also includes the opportunity for a 10-minute opportunity to speak on topic.


Demographics: We have an average of 45 participants at LVN Roundtables.


Council of Luminaries Series Sponsorship

The LVN Council of Luminaries is comprised of veteran thought leaders and pioneers in the business of law community. The objective behind assembling this group is to establish a brain trust of recognized, experienced and progressive leaders who can help interpret developments in the market, provide advice on how to successfully approach and navigate challenges, predict future trends and changes to prepare for, and to participate in targeted special projects to benefit the legal industry as a whole.

What we need

  1. Your logo for placement on web postings.

  2. Participate in monthly planning calls, additional as needed.


LPPM Annual Survey Sponsorship

The Legal Pricing and Project Management Survey, presented by the Blickstein Group and the Legal Value Network, captures the perspective of law firm business of law professionals and shines a light on the specific connects and disconnects between law firm and client legal operations priorities and practices. These observations are generated by virtue of counterpart questions present in both the annual Law Department Operations and LPPM surveys.


Download the 2024 LPPM Survey Prospectus (PDF).


LVN Product Briefing

A product demo is a presentation of the value of LVN’s business partner’s product or service to a current or prospective customer.

What it includes

  1. 30-minute or 45-minute virtual demo session for business partners and vendors (free to members and non-members).


LVNx Conference Experience

Inclusivity is what sets LVNx apart. Join us to connect with 400+ professionals from across the legal ecosystem with opportunities to exhibit, sponsor, and advertise.


Interested in more information?
Connect with us to find the best sponsorship opportunity for you.

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